Predictive LTV

Resolving Customer Churn with Predictive Analytics

Will Predictive Analytics be the Key to Resolving Customer Churn? In the elusive world of business strategies, value-based optimization is the cornerstone of any successful marketing campaign, but how exactly does it impact customer churn? As high-level executives like CFOs, COOs, and CEOs, the term ‘Customer churn’ isn’t unfamiliar. It connotes the percentage of customers […]

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How Much Can Predictive LTV Really Impact Revenue?

The Game Changing Force Of Predictive LTV As a business strategist specializing in value-based optimization and predictive LTV, I have seen a significant shift in how large companies are navigating their marketing efforts. High-level executives such as CMOs, CFOs, and CEOs are turning to predictive LTV to inform decision-making, optimize marketing efforts, and ultimately, drive

How Much Can Predictive LTV Really Impact Revenue? Read More »